Monday, September 14, 2009

Enjoying the moment of Fall

Chris and I traveled to Portsmouth to a cookout yesterday. As we drove east on 195, I noticed the shades of the leaves on the trees showing the beginnings of fall. It just seemed too early. Maybe the amount of cool, rainy days this summer and the lack of oppressive humidity (which I will not complain about) added to my body clock being off. I realize that it is time for a shift.

Fall is actually my favorite season of the year. I love the bright blue sky and the crisp autumn air. It my body, fall just feels right: not too hot or too cold. Being outside is enjoyable and coming in from an afternoon of raking to a hot pot of simmering soup is a part of the fall ritual. The smell of the air at night - dried leaves, dewy grass and the beginnings of frost excite me.

Getting back to my kitchen and trying some new recipes is usually a part of my fall routine. Apples baking, chili on the stovetop and a warm cup of tea can be a wonderful image of a fall afternoon. Enjoying the moments of fall and not viewing it as a precursor to winter is my goal for fall. Being right where I am supposed to be and not a step ahead or behind has helped me to appreciate all the seasons. There are so many gifts through all of it.

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