Today we are getting a new bed. Sounds so simple and basically it is except for all the rearranging we needed to do. I am so excited to finally be able to sleep in a big comfortable bed without the loud creaky and small space of our old bed. I loved knowing that the old bed was basically handed down from my Aunt Annis but in the end, comfort rules out. The old bed was not only very hard to sleep in, it was really noisy. Every time one of us turned over (and that in itself is tricky in a full size bed) the sounds of the creaky bed seemed magnified.
Enough about the old with the new. A BIG king-size bed with a pillow top...I am going to be in bed heaven! I can't wait to sleep in it. Decisions to need to be made. I need to think about a comforter and blankets for this new addition to our furniture.
It's not just the bed I am excited about...the other great outcome in this big purchase was cleaning out the bedroom and not putting all the stuff back it. Having a bedroom that feels clean (especially for Chris and his difficulties with sinus/ migrane issues), airy and calm will be so wonderful. It surprised me that I really am so happy about spending lots of money on a bed. There is also this nagging part that says....this could have been a vacation. My middle-aged voice is responding by saying, "Now, every night will feel like a vacation." I hate to say this but I think I am getting sensible in my "old age".